Anticipate a Mix of Activities
Caregivers constantly switch between patient care, administrative tasks, and information sharing. They need dedicated places that empower their multi-tasking and help them be efficient. A mix of work areas within the team environment should support a range of interactions—from conversations with families to collaboration with teammates—should be equipped with technology and ergonomic features so caregivers can deliver focused, patient-centered care.

Be Ready to Rethink
The healthcare landscape is constantly changing, and organizations must constantly retool their processes to make sure they’re providing satisfactory patient experiences. At the front line of care, nurses stations must be flexible to accommodate evolving technologies and modified workflows. Use adaptable workstations that are ready to reconfigure as team environments change and technologies evolve.

Give Back to Caregivers
To center and ground nurses during critical, fast-paced work, they need spaces that enhance their well-being and boost morale. Aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic design helps nurses feel happy, healthy, and invested in their teams. Build a caregiver environment that revolves around caregivers and incorporates human touches that help them feel valued and empowered at work.