Foundational insights

These insights about people, process, and place informed the development of this setting.

For people: Inclusive

Distractions impede focus for teams who work primarily independently and must follow detailed processes, so eliminating visual and acoustic distractions is key.

For process: Intuitive and Desirable

Improve circulation near the team by specifying cooler colors and brighter lighting along pathways. This discourages passersby from lingering, which can draw focus.

For place: Adaptable

Individuals will spend most of their time in relatively standardized work areas, so look to maximize personal comfort. Opt for highly adjustable furnishings and encourage people to differentiate their space with personal artifacts.


For teams with high levels of authority differentiation and low levels of skill differentiation, success depends on individual competence. Their neighborhoods focus on design elements that help individuals perform assigned tasks comfortably and efficiently.

Design characteristics

A scale with four sets of sliders that indicate the design characteristics of a setting. These sliders show low adaptability with moderate support for focused, independent work and with moderate accommodation for virtual team members.

Use case details

Activity: Full range of individual and group activities

On-site: 16
Remote: Unlimited

Availability: Reservable

Duration: 0-4 hours

Area: 1,300 square feet

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