Foundational insights

These insights about people, process, and place informed the development of this setting.

For people: Inclusive

Because team members share similar work tasks as well as decision-making authority, assigned work points should project equitable levels of comfort and status.

For process: Intuitive and Desirable

The use of soft seating and curvilinear design elements create a perception of relaxed comfort that is consistent with successful collaboration and pleasant social exchanges.

For place: Adaptable

Allowing for customization of shared space—especially with content that relates to shared experiences—promotes a sense of team identity and belonging.


For teams in which authority and skill differentiation levels are low, success depends on a delicate balance of independent work and interdependent decision-making. Their neighborhoods focus on design elements that facilitate a collegial atmosphere.

Design characteristics

A scale with four sets of sliders that indicate the design characteristics of a setting. These sliders show a fairly constant configuration that balances focus with interactivity, and considerations for both in-person and remote team members, with moderate support for interdependencies.

Use case details

Activity: Full range of individual and group activities

On-site: 16-18
Remote: Unlimited

Availability: Reservable

Duration: 0-4 hours

Area: 1,700 square feet

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